Published on 12/18/2019 10:41 am
What are the advantages of Normal Delivery?

Many women are for opting C-section since they are worried about the normal delivery pains that accompany a vaginal birth.  However, there are many benefits of natural birth for the mother and the baby. We often forget or due to a lack of understanding that a woman’s body is designed to handle normal delivery and choosing it can be a wonderful experience.

But, more than one-third of babies today are born via cesarean. While there are certainly some cases that would need cesarean for the safety of the mother or the child such as prolonged labor, abnormal fetal heart rate, and issues with placenta.

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If you have no problems and your baby is in a head-down position and you are at 37 weeks pregnant then you can go for normal delivery. Women who are expecting twins and women who earlier had c-section should try to deliver vaginally if the conditions are all right and their obstetrician says it is fine.

Benefits of vaginal birth- 

Faster recovery time and short hospital stay- 

When you choose normal delivery you recover faster than those who have undergone C-section.  You are expected to stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 days. You should avoid any strenuous activity for 6 weeks after normal delivery to allow your body to heal; you can perform all your daily activities within 2 to 3 days.

Baby will receive beneficial bacteria-

In a vaginal birth, the baby passes through the birth canal, it ingests bacteria that contributes to its gut health and boosts its immune system. Babies get microbiome- a protective bacterium that is passed by the mothers in this process. It protects babies from illness.

No medicines are given during normal delivery-

No medicines are used to induce the pain or reduce the pain and you will be conscious and aware of the proceedings. Since there are no cuts that need to be healed there is very little pain in normal delivery. No anesthesia is given therefore there are no associated risks involved such as low blood pressure, headache, nerve damage.

No infections –

Almost there are no chances of getting any kind of infection to the mother in vaginal birth. But in C-section delivery can lead to infection of the wound, uterus lining or urinary tract, cases of adhesion is higher in C-section where the internal organs stick together.

Lower risk of respiratory issues- 

Baby’s lungs are filled with fluid when the baby is in the womb.  Hormonal changes that occur during labor will clear the fluid and much of the rest is squeezed out as the baby passes through the birth canal. If there is any remaining fluid it is coughed out after the birth or it is absorbed by the baby’s body.

If the fluid remains in the baby’s lungs or it are taking a long time to be cleared then breathing problems can occur and oxygen might be required. This condition is known as transient tachypnea (TTN).  Baby who is born via C-section have a higher risk of TTN.

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